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Business Policies

LATE POLICY: Out of respect for all of our clients, we ask that you be on time for your appointment. If you are late, we may need to reschedule your appointment. If your groomer is able to keep your appointment, there may be a late fee:

1-5 Minutes: $10
6-10 Minutes: $15
10+ Minutes: $20+

NO SHOW POLICY: If you no show to your appointment on the day of your appointment you will be charged as follows before you can book a new appointment:

  • First time - $20

  • Second time - 50% of full groom price

  • Third time - full price of groom

CANCELATION POLICY: If you call to cancel your appointment less than 24 hours notice, you will be charged as follows before you can book a new appointment:

  • First time - $20

  • Second time - 50% of full groom price

  • Third time - Full price of groom

EARLY DROP OFF/LATE PICK UP POLICY: Due to the space constraints of our location, if you are not able to drop off or pick up your pet within a certain time frame before or after your scheduled appointment time, you may be subject to an additional charge. This policy can be found on our website as well. Charging would happen as follows:

  • 2-3 hours before or after scheduled appointment: $10

  • 3-4 hours before or after scheduled appointment: $20

  • 4+ hours before or after scheduled appointment: $25

FIRST GROOM POLICY: If your dog is less than 6 months old and they are coming to us for their very first grooming experience, the ONLY thing they will be able to have done is a bath and trimming of the face, feet, and sanitary areas (known as a puppy cut). This is because we want to make your puppy’s progression in to the grooming world a positive, gradual one. A full body groom for a puppy who has never been exposed to the sounds and tools of a grooming salon can be very scary and can make a negative experience for future grooms. Please don’t wait to start exposing your puppy to the grooming world if you have a breed of dog that will be regular grooming!! Starting them early will help to ensure proper desensitization with the sounds/actions of grooming and make their lifetime of grooming needs much more enjoyable.

DEMATTING POLICY: We do not offer full body dematting services effective June 7th, 2022.

Liability Waiver

1. Current Vaccinations/Veterinarian Information: By signing this agreement, owners verify their pet(s) is current on Rabies, Distemper, Parvo-Virus vaccinations and Bordetella. Proof of Vaccination shall be provided to Muddy Paws upon request, as well as current Veterinarian information. Special circumstances will be taken into consideration.
2. Aggressive or Dangerous Pets: Owners MUST inform Muddy Paws if their pet(s) bites, has bitten, or is aggressive to people, other pets or specific grooming procedures. Muzzles may be used if necessary. Muzzling will not harm your pet and protects both the pet and the groomer. Muddy Paws reserves the right to refuse/stop services for such pet(s) at any time before or during the grooming process, and charge an Aggressive Dog Fee, in addition to the regular grooming charge.
3. Health or Medical Problems & Senior Pets: Grooming procedures can sometimes be stressful, especially for a senior pet or a pet with health problems. These procedures can expose hidden or aggravate known medical problems, during or after the groom. Because Senior pets with health problems have a greater chance of injury these pets will be groomed for cleanliness and comfort, in the style that will not add to their stress. It is agreed that all expenses for Veterinary care will be covered by the pet’s owner upon signing this agreement.
4. Mat Removal: Pets with matted coats need extra attention during their grooming session. Mats left in a pet’s coat will only grow tighter and can strangle the pet’s skin, or eventually tear it open. Muddy Paws does not wish to cause serious or undue stress to your pet, and will not de-mat your pet for you. Mats can be very difficult to remove and may require the pet to be shaved. When necessary, removing a heavily matted coat includes risks of nicks, cuts or abrasions due to warts, moles or skin folds trapped in the mats. Heavy matting can also trap moisture and urine near the pet’s skin allowing mold, fungus or bacteria to grow, causing skin irritations that existed prior to the grooming process. Torn skin from mats can also harbor maggots. After-effects of mat removal procedures can include itchiness, skin redness, self-inflicted irritations or abrasions and failure of the hair to regrow. Shaved pets are also prone to sunburn and should either have sunscreen applied daily or should be kept out of the sun until the hair grows sufficiently to protect the skin. In some cases, pets can also exhibit brief behavioral changes. There can be an extra charge for severely matted pets. Prevention is the best defense against matting; therefore, be sure to schedule regular grooming appointments.
5. Accidents: There is always the possibility an accident could occur. Grooming equipment is sharp. Even though we use extreme caution and care in all situations, possible problems could occur, including cuts, nicks and scratches. In most cases, this can happen when a pet is wiggling or moving around. 

If you arrive to pick up your pet and it is still being groomed, please do not talk to them or allow them to see you. Sit quietly, or step outside for a few moments. Every effort will be made to ensure your pet is groomed as safely as possible. It can be dangerous to work on an excited pet. If you insist on talking to your pet, or the groomer, we reserve the right to end the grooming session, even if not completed, and the full grooming price will be charged.

6. Parasites: If you suspect your pet has fleas or ticks, prompt and thorough action on your pet is needed. Flea infestation can lead to tapeworm and other health problems. If fleas or ticks are found during the grooming process, you will be charged an additional fee to properly treat your pet with a natural product to kill the parasites. Please Note: Muddy Paws will not use pesticide dips or sprays on your pet. Ticks found will be removed for an additional charge. If ticks are found we strongly suggest that you have your pet tested for Lyme Disease. Parasites are a health hazard to your pet, as well as to humans.
7. Hold Harmless Agreement: By signing this agreement you (or your Agent) agree to hold Muddy Paws, it’s owners, operators, employees, officers and directors harmless from any damage, loss or claim arising from any condition of the listed pet(s), either known or unknown, to Muddy Paws. It is also further understood and agreed that the terms of this agreement can change at any time, without notice, and will override any and all prior signed contracts or releases. It is further understood that this clause applies to any all pets groomed at Muddy Paws.
8. Late Pick-Ups: We do not have boarding facilities. Unless previous arrangements have been made, if your dog is not picked up within 120 minutes of notification of completion, an additional late charge may also apply.
9. No Shows & Cancellations: No shows and last-minute cancellations are subject to a $20.00 FEE PER PET for the first offense, which may be added to your next ticket. Prepayment for some will be required before another appointment is booked. We understand there may be emergency situations and will work with you, but not on a continued basis. NOTE: Clients who are 15 minutes late risk losing their appointment without notice.


Shave Down Waiver

I understand and agree that this release is a supplement to the Muddy Paws Release.
I understand that Muddy Paws does NOT recommend shave downs (below #10 blade unless stated below) except when medically necessary, at owners request or when the pet is so severely matted that in our professional opinion the matts cannot be combed or brushed out without causing the pet unnecessary discomfort or distress.
I am aware that after being shaved down, my pet may require sunscreen in order to prevent sunburn.
I am aware that these procedures may have unpleasant consequences such as clipper burn, brush burn, nicks, cuts, loss of hair growth and/or pigmentation of the skin or hair. Muddy Paws will use all precautions during these procedures but will be held harmless if any and all of the aforementioned side effects occur on the pet(s).

Double-Coated Dog Waiver

Double-coated dogs have two layers of fur:
A harsh topcoat and a soft undercoat. These two coats grow independently of one another and to different lengths. The soft undercoat is shorter and grows much faster than the topcoat. The undercoat sheds and is released twice a year. The topcoat is longer, and tends to grow slower than the undercoat. 

We advise against shaving any breeds that have a double coat.
Examples of Double-Coated Breeds (include, but not limited to): 
• Golden and Labrador Retrievers
• German and Australian Shepherds
• Pomeranians
• Siberian Huskies
• Great Pyrenees
• Chows
• Border Collies
• Newfoundlands
• Corgis

Reasons you should NOT shave double-coated dogs:
It creates possible skin problems. Your dog could develop razor burn, hot spots, and/or irritated skin due to excessive licking and scratching following their groom.
It does not make dogs shed less. Double-coated dogs shed their undercoat twice a year and the rest of the shedding is normal hair turn over, seen in all animals with hair, including ourselves. Shaving can seem to help shedding but it is a temporary fix, and the dog still sheds they are just shorter hairs.
It damages the condition of the topcoat and the cycle of the hair, making the shedding times unpredictable and in some cases, never ending. The topcoat can take up to two years to fully grow back. Severe cases lead to alopecia, which means that the topcoat may not grow back to normal length or it may not grow back at all in some spots, causing patches. This can also require that you continue shaving your dog for the rest of its life.
It alters their metabolism. The undercoat provides warmth in the winter and cools them in the summer. If your dog has a well groomed coat, with no dead/loose undercoat, the coat keeps your dog warm in the winter by providing insulation and keeps the dog’s skin dry. In the summer, it provides a sort of air conditioning system. Removing loose undercoat allows air to get to the skin making them much cooler, while keeping the top. 
Your dog becomes susceptible to sunburn and skin cancer. Shaved skin is exposed to sun rays and too much sun exposure can be very harmful. Precautions such as clothing and/or sunscreen must be taken to protect their skin.  If your dog isn’t shaved or severely matted, his/her coat will regulate temperature.

It is important to weigh all relevant factors before shaving a double-coated dog. Knowing the above conditions may occur, I hereby release Muddy Paws and its employees from any injury, loss, liability, claims and/or otherwise which may arise directly or indirectly as a result of the above mentioned process and any and all medical problems and/or other conditions that may be uncovered and/or occur during and/or as a result of the process.

*Having your pet serviced at Muddy Paws means you acknowledge and accept these policies. We will ask for a signature but a signature is not required for acknowledgement.